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USAID Clean Energy Emission Reduction (CLEER) Tool

The CLEER Tool is a user-friendly calculator based on internationally-accepted methodologies, enabling users to calculate emissions reduced or avoided from clean energy activities. The tool helps users to:

  • estimate, track, and report greenhouse gases (GHGs) reduced or avoided from clean energy,
  • estimate and project the amount of energy generated or saved from clean energy activities,
  • identify high impact activities with cost-effective GHG reductions,
  • evaluate the emissions reduction potential of planned activities and possible alternatives, and
  • estimate projected GHG emissions reduced or avoided to 2070.

CLEER uses up-to-date methodologies and emissions factors from the IPCC, the GHG protocol, and other internationally-accepted guidance for estimating GHG emissions and reductions.

The CLEER tool was developed by the USAID Resources to Advance LEDS Implementation (RALI) Project, in cooperation with the USAID Global Climate Change Office (GCC). USAID works with partner countries to establish the foundations for low emission energy systems, with a focus on helping countries build enabling environments that can attract and sustain private investment in clean energy. Clean energy activities promote the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, build human and institutional capacity, and improve the enabling environment for clean energy investment and deployment. This work seeks to reduce or avoid GHG emissions, while promoting sustainable human and economic development.

Clean Energy Activities included in CLEER



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